A Strategic Model To Fulfil The Food Security of Farming Families Who Maintain The Culture of Growing Local Madurese Maize


  • Ramon Syahrial Agribusiness Study Programme, Wijaya Putra University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Heri Susanto Agribusiness Study Programme, Wijaya Putra University, Surabaya, Indonesia




The purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting farmers' decisions to continue planting Madura local corn and to determine strategies for ensuring food security for Madura local corn farmers in addressing declining productivity. The research design used is quantitative, as it involves numerical data analyzed through descriptive statistical methods. The population of this study is local corn farmers in Madura, with a sample size of 192 respondents. The quantitative method employs testing using SmartPLS 4.0. The results indicate that farmers' decisions to plant Madura local corn significantly impact their coping mechanisms. The choice to plant local corn also has a significant impact on their social capital. Coping mechanisms significantly influence family food security. Social capital also has a significant effect on family food security. The decision to plant Madura local corn indirectly affects family food security through coping mechanisms. Farmers' decisions also impact family food security through social capital. Strong social networks and community support help enhance food security by providing necessary resources and assistance.


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How to Cite

A Strategic Model To Fulfil The Food Security of Farming Families Who Maintain The Culture of Growing Local Madurese Maize. (2024). Agricultural Science, 8(1), 93-111. https://doi.org/10.55173/agriscience.v8i1.153