Agricultural Science is an Agricultural Journal published for the first time in September 2017. Since the first, Agricultural Science has published a full English language and can be accessed on the website or online access. In 2019, Agricultural Science was officially indexed by DOAJ and Accredited by SINTA 4 in 2019 with the number SK 28/E/KPT/2019 RISTEKDIKTI Indonesia.
To improve accessibility and protection from plagiarism, Agricultural Science has registered publications with CrossRef for a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). For the purposes of citations for the next 2021 edition, readers must use the DOI listed in the document (not on the website page).
Starting from the September 2018 edition, Agricultural Science has added articles from 6 to 7 and in the March 2021 issue there is also an addition of articles to 8 in the March issue, this is to increase Agricultural Science citations and also to reduce manuscript waiting time. accepted for publication in our database.
Agricultural Science wants to follow the trend of international journals as well, so Agricultural Science has a new layout style in published manuscripts and covers.
This AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Faculty of Agriculture, Merdeka University Surabaya, Indonesia
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